
“They fuck you up
Your mam and dad”
According to the poem / book

Where the stalk
deposits you
Is random and pot luck

‘You cannot choose your family’
But some believe you do
Before you incarnate this life –
This may or may not be true

I know I’ve toiled with mine
But oft they’ve been my heroes
I’ve loved and loathed them at the same time
Awarding them tens or zeros

I’ve abandoned ship
Then crawled back in a heap
They’ve built me up
And made me weak

I’ve sometimes misunderstood
Or the roles have been reversed
I’ve been their referee at times
And seen them at their worst

They can drive me to distraction
But I know that they are there
I know I’m lucky to have them both
God help me when they’re elsewhere

Not being a parent myself
I can’t possibly relate
To the mantle they undertook
When they chose to procreate

But that they did
And here I am
A product of their union

We’re in this together
‘Til death do us part
Blood our substance of this fusion

And indebted to them am I
The only constant I’ve ever known
They’ve made me who I am
Respect here must be shown
